Choosing Your Paint
Both acrylic and watercolour paints come in various qualities and generally available in tubes or pots to suit every artist; 59ml, 150ml, 500ml and huge 2.25ltr in selected colours.
In choosing paint I look to match quality at an affordable price but would never expect anyone to buy above their personal budget.
"During lockdown Amazon has been a reliable method for ordering supplies and have included this page if it would help for the tools and resources used at Creative Wellness Journey" - Debbie

Daler Rowney also offer a selection of acrylic paints such as iridescent and pearlescent mediums for giving your acrylic paints a subtle and distinct metallic shimmer.

Winsor & Newton Galeria watercolours are a range ideal for the artists who require large quantities of good quality colour at an economic price.

Mixing Colours Hints and Tips
As a professional artist teacher and demonstrator, has used both Winsor & Newton & Daler-Rowney, for both acrylic and watercolor paints, whilst always looking for special offers and sometimes finding them in discount stores.
Again this is a personal choice and for beginners you may choose to use a cheaper brand to practice at first and that's fine too.
Here are some handouts relating to colour mixing shared during various courses at Barnsley Adult College thank you to Gary allowing me to share.
Mixing Greys
To mix greys, black and white in varying degrees is the obvious way, but this gives a rather flat, lifeless colour.

Instead, try using a blue and a browny-red such as burnt sienna, raw umber or burnt umber.
Depending on the amount of each colour used, these will usually result in a deep bluey grey. Blues and oranges (eg. ultramarine and cadmium orange) will also result in greys.
You also need to add white in varying degrees to lighten the grey.
Try your grey mixing out on a piece of scrap card so that you get used to doing them.
Remember to just use a little paint until you’re sure what you’re doing.
Here are some downloadable FREE resources to help you get started that Gary shared with learners on previous courses.
Basic Watercolour Palette link
Colour 1 link
Colour Grids link
Colour combinations link
Modifying with colour link
Creativity to work on your wellbeing
Copyright © 2021, Creative Wellness Journey
Debbie Crouch
This is great information Debbie! 🎨🎨🎨👍