A fantasy has a focus on the developing a different world and system of magic thorough imagination.
Whilst a fairy tale simply assumes that magic exists and is a story within the fantasy genre.
A fairy tale typically features folkloric fantasy characters, such as dragons, elves, fairies, giants, talking animals, unicorns or witches. Usually about stories which include battles between good and evil characters.
A fairytale is always a fantasy, whereas a fantasy need not be a fairytale.
However you view this subject the question is how does it make you feel creatively?
Latest Theme

The latest theme is a prompt for members to create a feature in the gallery.
Create your picture in any medium,
Read and agree the terms and conditions
Members Gallery
See below a gallery of members creative pictures shared.....

What would you draw or paint?
Why - to inspire ideas for creative projects?
When - in your own time, whenever you like
Where - members can share their work in the gallery
What do I do next?
Create your picture in any medium,
Read and agree the terms and conditions

If you were to create a picture that encaptured the story for you what would it be?
Finding a huge wardrobe door tucked away in one of the rooms, filled with fur coats imagine the experience of walking through to find a winter wonderland.
​Walking through the winter wonderland as the icy chill and soft snowflakes fill the corridors and rooms you can see ice displays and feel the cold all around.
Who is your favourite characters, Lucy, Susan, Peter or Edmond (Children), the white witch,
Mr Tumnus, Mr & Mrs Beaver, Bree, or Mr Fox.
What is your favourite turkish delight, snowy scenes, the castle, woodland animals,
mythical creatures........
To share in members gallery send your picture to us at creativewellnessjourney@gmail.com

Have You Read.....
Have you checked out and read any of the blog posts?
These include stories as well as great tips and information.