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Writer's pictureDebbie Crouch

Magic Moments

Updated: Apr 2, 2021

Memories Last a Lifetime

Magic moments, when two hearts are carin'

Magic moments, memories we've been sharing

Facebook is a great place to share memories of special times, places visited as an online photo album and for me to remember.

This started as an idea when my mental illness was at its worse due to medication side effects and symptoms it left me feeling scared when my brain froze or memory was lost.

So the idea of being able to take photos, tag location, share who with and add onto Facebook was a wonderful way to capture as a memory.

For us the main purpose is not about how many likes you receive or others people's reactions (though these are always appreciated) it began as a simple way to help wellness recovery.

As part of our mental wellness journey it helps to build a good picture of positive experiences. Looking at good times spend with family and friends, remember places visited and what you did. Even recording loved one's past and present is an emotional heartfelt memory.

In time an added bonus on Facebook was discovering the excitement of when these memories pop up.

A special pastime is looking at what we are blessed to have around us locally, in Yorkshire & Lancashire, it is not so grim up north.

In our blogs we like to share places of interest for others to see and take time to write feedback reviews as this is important to support and share kindness. Here are a few examples:

Many more can be found in our blogs we could write pages and pages if we included everyone.

Autumn is around the corner Autumn is a mixture of wonderful colours for us all to see and celebrate.

It holds magic and one of our favourite times of the year especially a line of trees shared by Not so Grim Up North from Yorkshire Sculpture Park & Locke Park two wonderful local attractions.

Finding new hobbies and topics of interest that expand your mind, provide wonderful ideas for creative experiences.

Here is a creative poem written by Debbie in a Creative Writing Class last year.

As we grow may we never tire of the beautiful natural things around us. Each day keep an open mind and take it all in. As the weather cools remember just wrap up go for a walk let your senses come alive embrace the sights, smalls and sounds.

Choose to sparkle We both think that "Magic is possible you just have to believe." Fill your life with people who make you sparkle, can have a laugh and enjoy being around.

At the end of the day you are never too old to have imagination this keeps you youthful and alive.

It is wonderful to collect those lovely thoughts, handmade craft, memories and pictures, share them to capture the precious times.

Find time to escape the everyday life stuff, make time for you, read a book, chat with friends, have that coffee and cupcake, watch that film or comedy clip. We all have magic within us waiting to be shared with others. Put a smile on someones face with a bit of effort and kindness the world is a better place to be.

We are all a story which is unique

Through life we create our own pages, chapters or a novel with saga's, dramas, happiness and challenges yet we can add our own narrative and make it a good one.

Remember - If our life is a story and you are the author, we can edit often. If the direction of your path is not good then change, go left or right, some of the characters will change and their is always a new surprise around the corner, up that hill, along the your eyes and be ready to receive.

Time can go so quickly and just like that we all end up becoming someones memory. What kind of memory do you want to be?

In a lifetime of technology we are blessed to have the camera to capture those spacial memories where looking back can bring a flood of thousands of memories from an image.

Of course each generation thinks they have lived the best life. To take a positive from this its our own memories that and meaningful and realise the importance of being able to look back with happiness and pride.

Be a professional moments collector This phrase created by "Not so Grim Up North" is a wonderful way to sum up magic moments as memories. Its a good way of looking at life. At the end of the day, when you do look back at exciting adventures, photos the people through your life, letters, cards, notes they are more valuable than things.

2020 a different kind of year A year that could not have been predicted here is an article by: "Creative Wellness Journey" Art journaling is a visual diary and a great creative way to express your creativity within a journal. You can use art journals to record your thoughts and express emotions while exploring different artistic styles. I have created a visual reflection of Lockdown in the UK to capture this time from 23rd March 2020 till 20th July 2020. There are no rules, no right or wrong way, you can make it however you like.

Let’s share the beauty of creativity

Meeting friends through blogging is wonderful and “Not so Grim Up North” & “Creative Wellness Journey” believe that as out blogs grow organically working together is an added bonus and we get excited and giddy every time we think of a new idea. That in itself is priceless.

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Copyright © 2020, Creative Journey to Wellness Posted 8th September 2020

Partnership working blog

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1 Comment

Jan 15, 2021

I absolutely love this🥰🥰

Memories are precious 🦋🥰🙏

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