How many times have you been to a bar, restaurant, cafe
and asked for a soft or non alcoholic drink
only to be served in a boring or bland glass.
Maybe you are at home or visiting friends and family.
How often do you think?
"I would enjoy this drink much better in a nice glass?"
"This is what they serve childrens drinks in"
"I want to fit in as an adult"
How happier would you feel?
When your drink matches your good mood
When your drink matches your environment
What do I need to do next?
Take a photo of your drink
Make a note of the venue (Optional)
"A coke served at ............
"My drink looks boring.........
Post to Instagram rightglassmatters
Other optional hashtags
Copyright © 2021, Creative Wellness Journey
Debbie Crouch
Creative art for all ages and abilities. - Let’s share the beauty of creativity
Join the campaign at @creativewellnessjourney rightglassmatters