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Creative Art Journaling - The Eye

Updated: Apr 4

When you think of an eye what does it mean for you?

Let's look at the Eye as an Art Journaling Idea

In factual terms - the organ of sight.

In creative terms maybe its.........

"she has an eye for fresh talent"; "he has an artist's eye" In the end creativity is very much like beauty; it’s in the eyes of the beholder.

The gallery above features:

  • The eye of the dragon

  • I see you

  • Blue Eyes

  • Abstract Eyes

  • Character Eyes

  • Stunning Eyes

Colourful Eye Creative Project by Debbie

First Version Drawn in pencil watercolours, ink and white gel pen.

Second Version My Learning

  • Firstly first picture review how drawn

  • Think about what do differently next time

  • .... and then later when your ready have another go.

Never be afraid to try again.

Expressing emotions through the eyes

Owlberta the colourful Owl In the present moment The eye inspiration as a design idea My inspiration for creating eye designs came from when my daughter attended secondary school and the work she studies in her art class. I am proud to share some of her beautiful creative pieces.

My favourite one of them all

Copyright © 2021, Creative Journey to Wellness

Creative art for all ages and abilities.

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