Here I share my MindMap and thought process to writing My Ode to a Butterfly poem in 2019 An Ode to a butterfly
Find pictures that stimulate your visualality.

What words or phrases do you associate with butterfly?
joy hope optimism
Swarm a kaleidoscope
Guidance and sign of hope
Embrace all changes a major symbol of transition
Look at life in a carefree lighthearted way
Freedom carefree something good
Personal transformation
At the time of your life
Symbol of happiness – good luck
Follow you in the future
New life, fresh start
Spirit or soul of a loved one or individual nearby
Deep and powerful
Think of writing as Simile / Metaphor / Alliteration and Assonance
Version 1
An ode to the yellow butterfly.....
Its gentle wings like angel's flight
Glistening in the sun a pure delight
An angelic symbol a beautiful soul
Deep and powerful brings joy and hope
Joined by its friends in a Kaleidoscope
Bring warmth inside
No longer naïve a new nurturing niche
Version 2
An ode to the yellow butterfly.........
Its gentle wings like angel's flight
Glistening in the sun a pure delight
An angelic symbol a beautiful soul
Deep and powerful brings joy and hope
A yellow warmth inside the Kaleidoscope
No longer naive new nurturing niche
Representing freedom to be carefree
Embrace changes in life personal transformation
A new life, a fresh start
Follows me into the future
Final Version
An ode to the yellow butterfly.........
Its gentle wings like angel's flight
Glistening in the sun a pure delight
An angelic symbol a beautiful soul
Freedom, a new life, a fresh start, hope
Embracing personal transformation
A spiritual being light and free
Flutters around the garden searching
Blooms of all colours offer a place to rest
Closing its wings an arch of beauty
Swiftly dancing around with friends
Leaves a trail of magic like wishes in the wind
Copyright © 2022, Creative Wellness Journey
Debbie Crouch
Creative art for all ages and abilities. - Let’s share the beauty of creativity